Every one hate a bank account that charges with many fees, because of this sole reason most of the business people will not open a business account. You don’t need to worry again about hidden fees or minimum balance requirement. Zil.US an online business bank have everything under control, you can start an online business account easily without any hidden charges or minimum balance requirement.

Online Bank

Online banking uses a computer or a mobile device to manage your bank accounts. This covers money transfers, check deposits, and electronic bill payments.

Customers can often access their accounts online at banks and credit unions with physical locations. However, mobile access is mostly provided through online banks and providers. You won’t interact with a banker, but you can access your account whenever you want using a computer or mobile device. Let’s examine online banking in more detail.


  • Lower fees
  • Better interest rates
  • Standard bank services Like:
  • ATM access
  • Security
  • Accessibilit

Cons of online banks:

  • No branches
  • Cash can be hard to deposit
  • Fewer one-stop-shop options

What can you accomplish with a banking app or online service?

Most transactions can be done online or through your smartphone or your financial institution’s mobile app.

  • You can always check the balance of your account online. Typically, you can report mistakes to your bank or credit union account using the chat feature, online or mobile banking. Use Zil.US online platform or mobile app to look the balance using any devices.


  • You frequently have access to pending deposits and charges, Before presuming that pending deposits are accessible for making payments or withdrawals, check your bank’s or credit union’s funds availability policy.
  • You can usually set up automated notifications at banks and credit unions to assist you manage your account and notify you when any of the following occurs: You can frequently sign up for these alerts through text, email, or both on bank and credit union internet portals. With the help of these alerts, you may keep updated without repeatedly logging into your account. Get notification and make auto pay to pay bill on time using our platform Zil.US.


  • You can deposit checks using your smartphone and a mobile app at the majority of banks and credit unions. You can deposit check online using Zil.US easily. Depositing a check is simple and just requires some steps:
      • Step 1:Log in to Zil.US and select a bank account.
      • Step 2:Click on the Receive Payment button and select the Check Deposit option from the drop-down menu.
      • Step 3:Select the contact that sent you the check. Add the amount on the check, upload the front and back images of the check, and click SUBMIT. 
      • Step 4:Enter the OTP you receive through email. 
  • Your online banking or mobile app likely has alternatives if you need to move money across accounts or financial organizations. Send money to financial account using Zil.US.


  • Zil.US offers a way to send money from one person to other person to person, easily like every other online bank.


  • Instead of writing checks and mailing them, you can pay most bills online or through the mobile app for your financial institution. You can use a cloud based check printing software to print checks without any hassle. So, no more waiting for checks.

Are Online Business Bank Safe?

Online business banks are safe for banking online or through your mobile devices as long as you follow best practices for keeping the information on your mobile device safe. Financial institutions may offer additional services to help you keep your account safe, including turning off your debit card if you suspect fraud. Zil.US have better security than you think.

Get in Touch

(408) 775-7720

Make a call directly with our customer support team to make it instantly.


Mail to us to solve any queries you have with Zil US.

111 N Market St, San Jose, CA 95113

Po Box 6543, Tyler TX 75711

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